Conversion Tool 
Author: Paul Sherman
Version: 1.0
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 43K
Quick, small, RGB to HEX, HEX to RGB convertor with preview. Useful for matching page
color settings with graphics - also includes "backgrounder" on color values and
number systems.  ColorPicker Pro 
Author: Neil Pearson
Version: 1.02
Update: 1-30-99
Size: 1,822K
An excellent color choosing program. Choose from a number of methods, including RGB
sliders, standard Windows method and various numerical values. Perfect companion for
writing web pages, programming, graphics authoring and more. Currently working on
Hue/Sat/Lum functionality.
Author: David De Groot
Version: 2.01
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 226K
Configure your own colors (RGB input) and paste the results (HTMLcode) in your web
document. Previews fore, back and links-colors. Option to load image files. HTMLcolor even
creates web-pages for you. 
Shades of the WEB! 
Author: Clint Heffner
Version: 2.2
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 1,869K
Color selector application for web page desginers that allows you to setup your color
scheme. Creates the html code from which you can copy and paste directly into you html
document. Enter direct HEX values, or scroll through the RGB spectrum and choose you
colors! Includes preview box containing background, text, link, alink, and vlink examples.
NEAT! Simple and right to the point. 
RaDaSoft HEX Color 
Author: RaDaSoft
Version: 1.1
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 798K
A very handy colorpicker. You use it like a toolbar over your ordinary HTML editor. You
can pick BGCOLOR and TEXT and copy these to clipboard with an easy click. HexColor is
completely FREE to use for everyone but if you want even more functions we recommend you
to take a look at RaDaSoft HexColor Professional. The Professional version has a lot of
more functions such as background picture, pick from pictures, import colors, colornames,
websafe palette, pick from screen, save as HTML, stylesheets and much more. You have also
support for all colors in the BODY-tag.
Author: Jamie Cunningham
Version: 1.5
Update: 2-7-99
Size: 393K
A full-fledged HTML colour picker that will convert RGB
values to Hex and from Hex back to RGB. But don't just fiddle around with meaningless
numbers ... Huey's new Colour Pipette can grab colours from images, icons, existing HTML
pages ... in fact from anywhere on the screen! Other features include smart code insertion
into existing web documents, safe palette, save/load colour sets, and much more besides.
No runtimes required.  Color
Author: Brandon Taylor
Version: 1.0
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 1,540K
Uses a friendly graphic interface to let you select colors for use on your web site. This
is one of the easiest ways to figure out colors for html documents. Enjoy. 
Quick Color Picker 
Author: Sault Custom Programming
Version: 1.0
Update: 2-12-99
Size: 250K
This is simple the coolest, easiest and friendliest HTML color picker out there. What more
can you ask? How about no runtime files. RGB to Hex Conversion, A color grid to pick
colors from, Great User Interface, Save and reload your color settings, Copy all the tags
or part of the tags to clipboard. 
AC Color Picker 
Author: AC Software
Version: 3.02
Update: 1-30-99
Size: 533K
A fantastic program for the very beginner to the most advanced HTML writer. Some of the
features are background images and colors, text colors, link colors and much more. 
Author: Einav Systems
Version: 1.1
Update: 2-11-99
Size: 70K
A small utility to help you make cool html text effects - color slides. Fast, small and
easy to use! Requires the VB 5.0 Runtimes.  |