Cougar Coder

| |- HTML Editors
| |- AAA Web Editor
| |- AitchTeeEmEl
| |- Amaya
| |- Anansi
| |- AOLPress
| |- Arachnophilia
| |- BZWebDesign
| |- CodeEdit
| |- Cougar Coder
| |- CuteHTML Editor
| |- Digital Judas

| |- DominHTML
| |-
Dutch's Editor
| |- EasyASP
| |- EasyHTML
| |- E-Z HTML
| |-
| |-
FHE Editor
| |- GhostHTML
| |- Gognols Editor
| |- HomeSite
| |-
HT Create
| |- HTMgen32
| |- HTML Aid
| |-
HTML Buddy
| |- HTML Builder
| |-
HTML Constellation
| |- HTML Constructor
| |- HTML Edit
| |- HTML Edit-James
| |-
HTMLGate 2000
| |- HTML Man
| |- HTML Notes
| |- HTMLNotepad
| |-
HTML Notepad Plus
| |-
| |- HTML Helper
| |- HTML-Kit
| |- HTML Structured
| |- HTMLtool
| |- HyperHTML 98
| |- JMK HTML Author
| |-
| |- Lightning HTML
| |- NetHTML
| |- NoteTab Light
| |-
| |- Pad
| |- Pad-O-Rama
| |-
| |-
| |- QuickPage
| |- RCEdit
| |- SiteAid
| |- SiteCreator
| |- tBeam
| |- TimmyHTML
| |- Tord's eXtended Editor
| |-
Untitled HTML
| |- Visual Editor 98
| |- WebEdit
| |-
| |-
| |- Web-O-Rama
| |- WebWerx
| |- Widdler
| |- WWW Publisher


Version 1.0.7

3193 KB

Cougar Coder Shot

Author: Matt
Product Info: Home of the real no nonsense HTML writer! This util doesn't claim to be the biggest, it claims to be fast. And fast it is! Full 32 bit C++ code, pure Windows 95 and no nagging library files. Yes indeed. Check it out. And it's friendly, well, that's friendly for a real professional writer. It has the shortcuts and the tinny little things that make the difference. And that's what it's all about. Power, speed and control! You will add these flags lightning fast, without any loss of control, because you are editing the code.


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